
AAOS Awards Nomination for the Humanitarian Award

Questions marked with a * are required
Nominator's Name
Nominator's City/State
Nominator's Email Address
Nominee's Name
Nominee's City/State
Nominee's Email Address
Please share how the nominee does give of him/herself regardless of compensation.
How does the nominee provide services without expectation of remuneration?
Please share specifics as to how the nominee provides services to all equally, impartially, cooperatively and neutrally.
Please explain how the nominee embraces common moral decencies such as altruism, integrity, freedom, justice, honesty, truthfulness, responsibility and compassion.
Please explain how the nominee respects and embraces human diversity.
Please describe how the nominee improves the lives of those in need through selfless, courageous, creative and compassionate acts.
Please explain nominee's efforts to bring healthcare access to the underserved.
Please share measurable and/or tangible impact of humanitarian activities by nominee.
Please give a general number of patients/people impacted by nominee's humanitarian activities.
Explain why you believe your candidate deserves to be named the AAOS Humanitarian Award recipient. (Minimum of 500 words)
Please attach up to two letters of support describing the nominee's contributions to orthopaedics and why you feel they should be considered for the Humanitarian Award.
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